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Listen/watch ’til the end to know how to get Rev. Ali’s most popular (15 months on the best seller list) deluxe book and audio book set of What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know: How Your Brain and Mind Keep you Stuck
What do you want in your life? What do you really really want your life to look like? You have read way too many books and paid for way too many courses, webinars, and weekend programs and yet – you are just as stuck as you were before.
Rev. Ali Bierman clarifies why your brain works in a way that does NOT follow what you learned in school – not even in your PhD programs! Your brain cannot manifest using logic and formulas that your left brain uses to tell you what to do, what to be!
And it happens in your spiritual energy not in your physical body.
Remember that you are a Spiritual being having a human experience.
The many books and stories include Jill Bolt Taylor who wrote Stroke of Insight. She also explains how reading a book is not a one-and-done thing but a process done repeatedly for years! It is the repetition that gets the material in where it can become manifest.
Let Bob Proctor show You The Art of Living when you make it your free audio book in your 3- day FREE trial at Audible
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