Conscious living allows people to be one with, and to support Mother
Earth through the changes She must birth for survival of mankind and
the planet. People fouled-up the planet and only taking steps
in a new direction, with conscious awareness, can reverse some of the
damage Nature has endured.

Mayana Kingery has been with  us before. You first heard her on the
debut of the show, May 2, 2021 and again on March 12, 2023 when she
shared how to create a community.

Mayana is one of the leaders in conscious living – which is why I invite
her to share so often. This episode is packed with so much  info. It
will go live on a special page complete with transcript so you don’t
miss anything.

We shared why Hungary is the feminine Heart Center –
explaining why so much of the wellness info I  use is sourced there.
The second heart is at Chalice Well, the feminine point
within the masculine heart in Glastonbury, England..

Join Andras Maros and Mayana Kingery in Glastonbury, England for Earth Day
4/22/24 – The waters at Chalice Well represent the feminine center of the masculine heart of Earth
Then they go to Dobogoko, Hungary 4/30-5/1 The masculine center of the feminine heart
of Earth

The Global Medicine Wheel on Earth Day has Mother & Earth focus. Join wherever you are – gather with others or sit with a tree and feel your heartbeat align with Mother Earth’s.Global  Medicine Wheel 3rd Wave is June 21 – see Heartist and
follow the Global Medicine Wheel Group for details
International Children’s Day Focus – Mother & Children

Connect with Mayana:

Details about Peace Production, 501c3 nonprofit to find programs for Personal Guidance or Community Building

Details about the Heartist Journey 

– the Heartist Journey to Glastonbury, UK and
Dobogoko, HU

Heartist –

Learn about the first Heartist Journey in 2017

Heartist Facebook Page

Details for the Global Medicine Wheel

Choose your Direction where you are and stand with Mother Earth – we are
each an acupuncture point to relieve her stress. When you gather with others, you become a node.
Global  Medicine Wheel Group on Facebook:
Global Medicine Wheel 2nd Wave Event on Facebook:

Connect with Mayana:  mayana

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About the Author

As an ordained metaphysical minister, Ali Bierman sees life from a spiritual perspective. In her 28-year healthcare practice she confirmed that all aspects of life - relationships, career, health, spirituality - reflect the history of relationship disconnects beginning in utero and sometimes before birth. She notes that the primary disconnect happens between oneself and one's True Self. The second disconnect happens when one lacks a relationship with a Higher Power - whatever one calls it - God, Source, Universe, etc. Lastly, disconnects to other people - all cause your life to look the way it does. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.
As a multiple times best selling author and Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, Rev. Ali has touched more than 200.000 lives worldwide.

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