Is it ever okay to tell a lie? What type of lie is okay and which is not?

Rev. Ali Bierman poses the dilemma you have likely experienced at least once in your life. Were you the victim or the liar? What motivated your choice?

How did you feel while telling someone a lie or not telling the truth? HOW about afterward? Were there consequences for you? For that person? What outcome resulted from your choice and behavior?

How do you feel when you realize someone told you a lie and never admitted to do doing so?

How was your life eased or how were you protected by not knowing the truth? Or did you just feel energy, cheated out of the chance to take your own action in a situation?

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About the Author

As an ordained metaphysical minister, Ali Bierman sees life from a spiritual perspective. In her 28-year healthcare practice she confirmed that all aspects of life - relationships, career, health, spirituality - reflect the history of relationship disconnects beginning in utero and sometimes before birth. She notes that the primary disconnect happens between oneself and one's True Self. The second disconnect happens when one lacks a relationship with a Higher Power - whatever one calls it - God, Source, Universe, etc. Lastly, disconnects to other people - all cause your life to look the way it does. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.
As a multiple times best selling author and Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, Rev. Ali has touched more than 200.000 lives worldwide.

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