The movie The Secret says if you focus on what you want then the Law of Attraction will Deliver it to you.
How often does that come true/? Did it work for you?
When it totally works, what did you do to make it real? If it sort of worked what did you do for partial success and why did you fail to manifest 100% of your desires?
Discover what stops you from living your dreams so you can choose to act differently and increase your chances for the success you seek.
Watch the interview with Dee Wallace here.
Rev. Ali recommends taking advantage of your gift from Audible now. You can download Dee Wallace’s Born: Giving Birth To A New You OR Rhonda Byrnes The Greatest Secret. In fact when you join both will expand your mindset leading you to new thoughts, new actions, and new results. gives you a FREE audiobook.
Choose The Greatest Secret by Ronda Burn OR Dee Wallace’s Born: Giving Birth To A New You for your freebie and gift yourself the other volume to truly change your world in ways you cannot yet. imagine.
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