How do you make choices and then confirm that your decision is accurate for you? Do you go by a feeling? A belief? A knowing?

A feeling may be something you simply experience, even out of conscious awareness, that leads you to a specific choice. Maybe you turn right when you hit a crossroads – not really considering but simply following where your feet move you.

A belief is more passive. You usually believe something because others have shared a similar belief at some point. So you go along with the “crowd” thought. No real action. Being more passive.

A knowing happens when you connect with your Spirit, with a Higher Power and know, with every fiber of your being which choice is best for you AND you take action to move further in that direction.

When you meditate or state affirmations make certain to see the result and not “what you want” to create. There are many steps to create affirmations that materialize. Rev. Ali’s Goals and Affirmations program can get you there.

What in your life are you passionate about? You will find that you create successes at anything for which you feel deep excitement. You simply will not put the same effort into anything that does not feed your spirit.

Everyone who is excited to stop hurting – physically, emotionally, or spiritually contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

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About the Author

As an ordained metaphysical minister, Ali Bierman sees life from a spiritual perspective. In her 28-year healthcare practice she confirmed that all aspects of life - relationships, career, health, spirituality - reflect the history of relationship disconnects beginning in utero and sometimes before birth. She notes that the primary disconnect happens between oneself and one's True Self. The second disconnect happens when one lacks a relationship with a Higher Power - whatever one calls it - God, Source, Universe, etc. Lastly, disconnects to other people - all cause your life to look the way it does. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.
As a multiple times best selling author and Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, Rev. Ali has touched more than 200.000 lives worldwide.

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